Monday, February 18, 2008

Part 10: The Confusion of the Peoples, Some Dinosaurs, and Created Cosmos

This is part of the bible that I had never really gotten a grip on. So, again, the people disobeyed God, and this time He made sure that we could never fully communicate with each other and that some of us would think that they were better than others based on religious differences.

Who’s Your Brother?

And it all comes back to human reason leading to racism, genocide, and abortion because everyone can decide for themselves what is right. We won’t mention the fact that much of the racism and genocide we see is religiously driven. Also, the end tells that evolution is just a the most recent rejection of God’s word. So really, evolutionary biologists are just the Eves of today.

Photobucket We are from one blood, one man, one woman, and all differences are superficial. That is so nice to hear! Of course, I would love to take an exit poll and see how many people in this museum actually think that other races are less deserving of God’s praise, and that they would not want to associate with particular “brothers”. Oh, and let’s throw in that abortion is evil because we are human at conception.

One blood, and God is against abuse. Then I am sure He would really appreciate it if people stop killing other people in his name. How many KKK members out there think that they are good Christians? How many Nazis figured it didn’t really matter, since the Jews killed Jesus anyway? Dear God, I am sorry for all the bad stuff in the world taken out in your name. I always thought you liked that or something, but it seems that this museum disagrees…

Babel Explains Our Differences

Modern languages were given by God to confuse us. And all the genetic differences we have are the recombination of Noah’s three sons… Let us not discuss the bottle-neck that would have incredibly effected the human population and any minor ailment could have easily led to the destruction of the race.

Promise of the Nations

So you know how the nations actually happened, unlike they are described in the archaeological record.

PhotobucketSome Dinosaurs, to show you how awesome creationism is!!

And there is where the pictures end because my camera battery died. Only 280 pictures. Thankfully, I only missed a couple of the dinosaurs. And one last note- the paper towel dispensers are set to give twice as many paper towels as necessary. Very wasteful.

Created Cosmos
The planetarium exhibit was free for us because of a mix up in our tax-exempt status. Most of the show was about distances and sizes of planetary bodies. It is clear that they do not disbelieve that we are very far away from lots of really big objects. They discuss several reasons in astronomy that would point towards creation. First of all, there are blue stars. Blue stars burn out in less than “billions of years”. They do not talk about how these stars are created, and that they were created after the earth, or that they are far enough away that they have died out a long time ago, but we cannot see it because they are so far away. That is something they discuss, as well, how things millions of light years away could possibly be seen here, since the universe is only 6,000 years old. They quickly mention gravitational time dilation and magnetics, but neither is discussed in detail, or explained as to why that would work. They also point out that the spiral arms of the galaxy would have gotten far more twisted in billions of years, and a 6,000 year creation in that way makes more sense. I am not an astronomer, so I cannot vividly dispute what they are saying, but I know enough to tell you that these details do not go against hundreds of years of physics and astronomy.

That was the Creation Museum in Kentucky. If you have any questions, let me know. If you want the whole pictures for yourself, also contact me. Please spread the word about this, so that as many people as possible can know what is happening in this museum and on that side of the fence, without actually paying the twenty dollars to see it. Thank you all for your time.

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