Monday, February 18, 2008

Part 8: The Birth of Sin and All Its Consequences, From Covering to the Flood

Adam and Eve and a Snake (we’ll just call him science)

Let’s Scare the Pants off the Little Ones

Woman Leads to Destruction

What are these berries? I thought it was an apple! Isn’t that why the snake is always pictured with an apple? Did I miss something?

The snake was a sly little thing that convinced Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, which God had made off-limits. Now, why did God make this tree bad? Why is it that knowledge leads to our destruction? I think that this is a very important idea that has been indoctrinated in so many. Knowledge and learning is bad. I am sure that this passage in the Bible has helped the anti-intellectual movement that currently sweeps the country. Science is based on finding knowledge, and that is inherently evil. Therefore, science is inherently evil, and scientists are inherently evil. It is fascinating how something like this can grow. You have to look back on the time when this was originally written. Religion was used as a way to control the masses, and by having the masses fear knowledge, you can suppress free thought and continue your reign no matter how terrible it actually is. I still find it fascinating that in this day and age people still believe that this holds true in their lives, and that knowledge outside of the direct word of God is something to be avoided.

I also want to point out that woman found knowledge first, and had to share it with man.

The Horrors
Remember, these are the horrors due to the fall, not those brought on by the abandonment of the Bible.

Is this a locked door due to crime and corruption or the locked minds of the people who run this museum?

These are all awful things that happen to human beings, and it is probably easier to reconcile God punishing us for having knowledge than it is to think a completely benevolent God would let these awful things happen. Now comes a detailed description of all the things that began in the world after the fall.

The Curse

The snake did a bad thing, and so did I. Another key point here is that Adam is the one who is yelled at the most for the sin, even though it could be wholly blamed on Eve. Good job, Adam, taking the heat. Except for that childbirth thing… that was cruel.


A punishment for man, a gift to women. Shopping malls, here we come! And God smote Adam by forcing him to pay for the spending habits of Eve…

What have we done? Now we have to eat MEAT?? Of course, vegetarians do not ascribe to this part of the curse. Clearly, Adam and Eve didn’t realize they could just not listen again.

After the Fall

This dinosaur is carnivorous after the fall, but that does not explain the fact that it is not eating the little girl in the first display of the museum.

The idea of cosmic pain goes along with childbirth. In this picture, though out of the kitchen, Eve is now barefoot and pregnant.

And the men tire away on the work they are now forced to endure.

In Case This Always Bugged You

Cain and Abel

Let Us Scare the Pants of the Children Again

That is one frightening old dude. It is also interesting to note that he makes eye contact only with the small child-sized visitors.

Noah’s Ark

Building the Ark

The Ark Story

Here come the animals! It is hard to see, but there are dinosaurs boarding.

Noah’s noble family preparing for the flood.

It is hard to see, but there are people up on the hillsides begging to join the ark. Too bad for them. But this does explain why people are on the top of the stratigraphy… they ran the highest up the hills.

Noah’s family chilling out in during the flood.

After the Flood

There is the world drying up. The models were actually very well made. It seems, though, that I did not get a picture of the last display in this room, which was of Noah and his family giving their first sacrifice after the flood. The really important part of that display was that they were on a beautiful hillside covered with flowers and grass… The exhibits never really explained what happened to the plants.

There is also something a little odd to me here.

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