Damn You Guttenberg

Yes, the printing press was invented and God’s Word was spread to the masses. It remains the best selling book of all time. Bet the prophets would claim it as their own writing if they knew the royalties that could now be involved.
Why We Abandoned the Bible
Scripture Questioned

There is a lot going on in this chart, but the basic idea is that as human reason has become more involved, the scriptures have been questions and then abandoned. Of course, this chart actually goes oppositely to most timelines, which really threw me off the first time that I looked at it.
The Scopes Trial
The Scopes Monkey Trial is one of the most publicized events involving the evolution versus creation debate. Most people had already heard the story before watching the video about it at this museum. However, the parts that were emphasized here were different than what most evolutionary theorists would emphasize. They blame Darwin’s ideas for the atrocities in Germany in WWI, and claim that that is why the laws against the teaching of it in schools were enacted (which is mostly true). They call this the first time that the Bible was attacked in a courtroom. They also push the idea that the ACLU did fail here, and that Darrow was an agnostic (oh, the horror!). They berate the movie Inherit the Wind for demonizing Christians as close-minded, conservatives bigots. This trial was the first step on a slippery slope right to Hell.
The Nail in the Coffin

Now That We Abandoned the Bible

It is hard to get a feel for the first room. It is dark, there is graffiti everywhere. There are newspaper clippings torn and tattered and pasted onto the wall. Certain things stand out. “The Pill”. “Gay Marriage”. “Drugs”. All the horrors of the world have finally come to be simply because we have abandoned the Bible and all its moral teachings. You walk into a small neighborhood where you are looking into teenagers windows. A set of boys are playing video games and rolling joints. They have no moral fiber, and have decided that violence and drugs is the only way to go. Another window shows a girl crying into a phone. She is discussing her pregnancy with a friend. She is only 17! This cannot be! She tries to convince her friend to go with her to get the abortion, and there is no way that she can tell Tony what has happened. The final window is into the church, where a teenager is bored and does not want to listen to the scriptures anymore.
The Horrors of Teenagers Today

Millions of Years Destroying the Foundation of the Church

Evil Compromise

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